Most poignant and touching Starsky & Hutch moments

Here are some of my favorite images of Starsky & Hutch loving each other.

Pariah – When they’re unable to identify the man who’s been killing their fellow cops, Hutch comforts a frustrated and increasingly despondent Starsky.

Pariah – When Starsky visits with Lonny’s mom after the funeral, Hutch is there to support his partner.

Pariah – Hutch tries to calm Starsky down after he attacks Tremaine in the interrogation room.

Snowstorm – Hutch gives Starsky a reassuring tummy pat after Dobey tells them the story of how his late partner was brutally murdered.

The Psychic – Starsky & Hutch reach out towards each other after the momentum from being shot sends Hutch crashing into a plate glass window and Starsky fears the worst.

Sweet Revenge – Hutch sits tentatively on the edge of the chair while watching Starsky as he lays dying in a coma.

The Plague – Starsky tries not to cry as he holds Hutch’s hands when Hutch is dying of the plague.

Gillian – Hutch cries in Starsky’s arms.

A Coffin for Starsky – Hutch holds Starsky’s hand in the squad room.

A Coffin for Starsky – Hutch leans his head against Starsky on the roof.

A Coffin for Starsky – Hutch says goodbye.

Starsky’s Lady – Hutch leans his head against Starsky’s in the police station hallway after Starsky gets bad news about Terry’s prognosis.

Bloodbath – Overcome with emotion after Hutch saves Starsky from the cult, the guys cling tightly to each other.

Survival – Starsky cradles Hutch’s head in his hands. “We made it, partner.”

The Fix – When Starsky is holding Hutch on the bed and he looks up at the ceiling as if he’s about to cry.

The Fix – Hutch leans his head against Starsky’s chest as Starsky comforts him.

Shootout – Hutch leans against the wall, distressed by Starsky’s worsening condition and feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, looking like he’s about to cry.

Shootout – The sad, sorrowful look on Hutch’s face after Starsky tells him “The next time you want scrambled eggs, don’t let me talk you out of it.”

Shootout – Hutch leans his head against Starsky’s just before he leaves to confront the hit men. The expressions of love and despair on both their faces here are heartbreaking. Shootout is my favorite episode and these are my favorite images of them in the entire series. This scene is so incredibly heartrending and beautiful, I can’t even.

So what are your favorite poignant moments from the show?

27 Responses

  1. All of these images make me want to scream with joy. I love this collection. Favourited for sure. It’s so good for the heart.

  2. Also @Ilana, just so I’m clear on how I’m defining things: slash is focused on a romantic and/OR sexual relationship, so theoretically someone could see S&H as being in a romantic but not sexual relationship and still be a shipper, correct? Just wanting to get my definitions correct. 🙂

    • Ilana can answer this as well, but here’s my answer:

      Yes, you are correct. We all have our own headcanons of what type of relationship Starsky & Hutch have on the show, what we want them to have on the show, and what we like to fantasize about them having in fanfic. If you consider yourself a shipper, then you’re a shipper.

      This is a slash blog, so if you’re okay with being here and reading my posts, then you’re most definitely a shipper.

      FYI, according to, slash is “a type of fanwork in which two (or more) characters of the same sex or gender are placed in a sexual or romantic situation with each other. Slash can also be a verb; to slash is to create a slash fanwork or to interpret the chemistry between the characters in the source text as homoerotic. The adjective form is slashy.”

  3. @Ilana in Amsterdam: Thank you for the information on the group. I certainly think a lot of slash fans analyze the characters more in-depth than many gen fans…not always, but I do think this group would be an interesting place to check out, and it sounds like I’d be accepted there. Thanks again!

    • All sexualities and genders are welcome in the group.
      The S/H bRomance group doesn’t ask what a person’s sexuality is at the door. LOL! That will never happen.
      We ask if you love S/H and if you are 18+.

      I’ve been running this for 6 years, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a wide spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ (and Heteros) in the group. I don’t encourage anyone to out anyone else, but everyone is free to say what they want about themselves, either in the decidated Community Post (where we share about our lives) or if it relates to the S/H relationship in a post.

      In comments, you’re free to talk about what you want as long as it adheres to group rules (roughly: no abrasive behaviour and respect to other members and the cast and crew and their families).

  4. Hi there, I recently found your blog and I really enjoy it. However, after diving deeper into the S&H world, I’ve discovered that I can’t enjoy the show like I used to. I wonder if you could help me out.

    I find Hutch really…mean. I can’t think of another way to describe it. Now that I’ve rewatched episodes and realize just how much of a jerk he is to Starsky, I can’t get over it. I realize some insecure people make themselves feel better by bullying others, but Hutch seems to only bully Starsky. (Yes, I realize some of it is teasing that Starsky doesn’t seem to mind, but lots of times Starsky does seem annoyed, or just confused and/or hurt, and that’s NOT COOL, Hutch.)

    This might be me projecting, as I myself have been in a long-term friendship that I only just realized isn’t healthy, and that feels much like this dynamic–the other person says things that I’m not sure are serious or teasing, but I feel inferior/put down, and the more I try to assert myself the more they berate me, and it doesn’t stop, and I just feel awful about myself.

    You can easily read Hutch’s behavior as internalized homophobia stuff, or just that he’s insecure, but it really bothers me. And I actually I find myself enjoying the show less now that I’ve realized just how awful Hutch can be. (It doesn’t help that I’ve never understood the way men tease each other, but that’s another story.)

    Any thoughts on this? Of course Hutch’s behavior gets even weirder and worse in s4, but it’s plenty bad in earlier seasons too. I just don’t understand how he can keep treating Starsky like this.

    Sorry for the rant–I love your thoughtful commentary on the show, and I really want to see Hutch in a positive light, I just…have a really hard time doing so now. I can see his positive traits, but he’s just so negative sometimes, it really makes me sad. Any suggestions as to how I can view Hutch in a more balanced way?

    I also love this blog and I hope you keep posting! Merry Christmas!

    • Thanks so much for your comment. I’m so glad to hear you like my blog. I try to publish at least one new post each month, and I have lots of posts in draft status which I haven’t finished writing yet.

      I’m sorry to hear that you’re unable to enjoy the show, and I understand what you’re saying about Hutch being mean. The fandom has had this discussion many times, but most of us feel that it was done for humor. On the set, David and Paul would prank each other all the time, so I think it’s a guy thing, and that the actors probably didn’t think Hutch was being mean. Or they did think that, but thought it was funny, like when Starsky says Hutch is mean in Las Vegas Strangler.

      I’m wondering which eps/scenes you’re referring to, specifically? When Hutch mocks Starsky for being left-handed in Captain Dobey, You’re Dead? When he puts hot coffee under Starsky’s hand in the Heavyweight? Hutch’s behavior in Partners? Hutch not letting Starsky use his bathroom in Foxy Lady? Or something else?

      I’ve never thought that Starsky really felt hurt or annoyed by Hutch, except in Starsky vs Hutch, in which they both act out of character. And in that episode, one of the problems is that Starsky never tells Hutch how he feels.

      I’m a Hutch girl (although of course I love Starsky, too), and the only episode where I really don’t like Hutch is Starsky vs Hutch. And yeah, he’s a total jerk in Partners, too, but it was played for laughs, because the actors apparently thought that was funny. I think men and women have different ideas about what’s funny. Like the tag of Blindfold, when Starsky makes Hutch fall down the stairs. Apparently David and Paul thought that was hilarious. I think they were trying to imitate Laurel & Hardy. But that scene is so cringey that I just can’t find anything funny about it, so I try to pretend it never happened (and I retconned it in one of my fics).

      There are also two episodes where I really don’t like Starsky (Running and Blindfold). I’m really bothered by Starsky’s seeming indifference to Hutch’s feelings in Running when Kiko doesn’t want to be his little brother anymore, but I know that Starsky loves Hutch, so I just try to tell myself that it’s an outlier and an example of crappy writing.

      So I try not to dwell on the eps where they act like jerks towards each other, and focus on the episodes where they are loving and caring towards each other, which is most of them. I also like to think about all the times David Soul said that the show was about “Two men who love each other who happen to be cops.”

      But it definitely sounds like your friend enjoys saying hurtful things, and it’s good that you recognized the relationship as toxic. Perhaps this person enjoys gaslighting you. Unfortunately, it seems there are a lot of toxic people in this world.

      So because of your real-life relationship, it’s possible that you’re extra-sensitive to how Starsky & Hutch treat each other. But while Hutch might be mean sometimes, he’s not selfish or abusive. He loves Starsky. He’s controlling sometimes (like when he wouldn’t give Starsky the money in Las Vegas Strangler), but he can also be very self-deprecating and humble. He definitely seems more insecure than Starsky, which is one reason why I love him so much, because it makes him vulnerable.

      I also think Hutch being mean sometimes is because they’re relating to each other in a parent-child way, which is intended to be funny.

      Are you on Facebook or Discord? Because we have lots of interesting, insightful discussions about the show and the characters, if you want to join us there.

      And a Merry Christmas to you, too!

      • Daisy, thank you for your response! I was aware as I was writing my comment that this has been discussed a lot in the fandom–I’ve just never been in the right places to discuss it, and I fear bringing it up now would be boring for those who have been in fandom for years. Is the Facebook group you mention the (B)romance one? I might have to check it out because I would love to have in-depth discussions with fellow fans but I’m not sure where the best place to do that would be.

        I do find it fascinating that Glaser and Soul made the acting decisions they did–they certainly made the characters complex and realistic, and I appreciate that to no end. I’m aware they teased each other, and to Babs’ point, I think it’s really interesting that they sort of played their opposites–Glaser in real life was more moody, and Soul in real life was much more of a people pleaser. This is obvious in interviews, and I think it’s a testament to their acting ability and knowledge of people, and creativity, that they purposely played such different characters and gave them such complex backstories. (I would LOVE to find or read even a piece of the backstories they supposedly wrote for their characters–has anyone ever found those?)

        I really don’t want to be too negative, both because I do love the show (it was the show that pulled me into buddy and M/M relationships) and I love Glaser and Soul and what they did with the characters. I know I’ve always had a hard time with certain types of (male-dominant it seems) teasing–I’m a pretty straightforward person, so if I like someone, I’m going to act nice to them, not give them reason to dislike me. (That said, I’ve never fit in with a lot of women either!) And like I said, I am biased, what with my personal experiences. I do definitely agree with you that Hutch seems to have lower self-esteem and/or self-image issues that are really fascinating to explore.

        I suppose one reason I have such a problem with Hutch’s behavior in particular is that, in some other buddy shows I like, the guys tease each other but it’s not nearly the same as Hutch’s teasing–e.g. in The Professionals (don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, sort of a British S&H from the 70s/80s but unique in its own way), Doyle certainly gives Bodie a hard time about things, but there’s a shared sense of joy and a very obvious sense that Doyle isn’t actually trying to put Bodie down. He never throws his food away, for instance; it’s all mainly words.

        I haven’t seen the episodes in a while, but here are specific instances where I think Hutch is a bit mean: the end of the pilot (again, I realize this could just be him joking or getting S back for having to pay S’s gym bill, but it just seems over the top to me and in serious contrast to the “Who do we trust?” “Like always, us” Hutch earlier on); when Hutch throws away Starsky’s hot dog (I’m not sure what ep this is, but the fact that he physically does something, not just with words, irks me–and who throws away their friend’s food, even if you don’t approve of their choices?); Hutch eating Starsky’s apple (can’t remember the ep again; it’s played for laughs, but if he does that regularly, isn’t that a bit annoying?); Hutch pouring water on S’s face in ACFS (again, justified? Maybe); Hutch saying S isn’t in the Rolls-Royce category in Golden Angel (this I can understand a bit more, as it seems more gentle); YES the left-handed teasing in CDYD (mostly because, why continue to harp on it? Unless it’s an inside joke, but S doesn’t seem to think it’s funny); and also a scene I only remember vaguely from a S4 ep, when they’re leaving a room with a woman and Hutch repeats something about Starsky not being serious/not being able to get the woman–over and over, rubbing it in. Also, “Partners” does bother me, but I see it as a way Hutch is able to prove Starsky loves him, which is psychologically interesting. Still, it just seems…over the top. It makes me think that Hutch is really, seriously wounded in some deep places.

        Those are the examples that stand out to me, but I’m sure there are more. 🙂

        Again, I don’t mean to be negative, it’s just that I wouldn’t want to be in a friendship/relationship like that. That said, you (and Babs) make good points about Hutch’s love–it is real, and true, and very loyal. I love Shootout, ACFS, etc.–I love Hutch when he doesn’t feel he has to hide behind the prickly self-righteous façade. He has a great heart. It simply seems to me that Starsky has an easier time expressing his love and affection, and doesn’t see the need to tease Hutch to such an extreme. That’s another reason Hutch’s teasing bugs me so much: Starsky doesn’t seem to give it back to him in the same way/amount, so the whole thing just seems unfair.

        Yes, I’ll agree there are times I don’t like Starsky’s behavior either. In Fatal Charm he is incredibly oblivious to Hutch’s angst and issues. However, I honestly see that as being more Starsky being distracted/oblivious–not a good thing, but not as bad as proactively making jabs at your partner. But they do both have their flaws.

        Thanks for engaging in this discussion with me!

        • Yes, the bRomance group. It’s the best S&H group on Facebook and the only slash one. We would love to have a discussion with you about Hutch’s meanness towards Starsky. It’s the best group to have discussions about the show.

          There’s a link to the group on the right sidebar. We’d love to have you join!

          I agree about the “who do we trust” in the Pilot being almost mocked when Hutch drives the other way at the end, but David and Paul (and William Blinn) apparently thought it was funny. Or perhaps David and Paul didn’t think it was funny but the producer or whoever insisted on it.

          What’s important to me is that David recently mentioned on a video that S&H’s relationship was all about “who do we trust” and “me and thee” and that S&H loved each other and cared about each other.

          The ep where Hutch throws out the hot dog is Savage Sunday. I’m pretty sure that it was played for laughs, and no other thought was put into it. But there’s a lot of fanfic where the writer uses incidents like that to explore Hutch’s insecurities, etc.

          I’m not sure what the S4 ep where they walk out with a woman, it doesn’t sound familiar. Do you mean the tag of Black & Blue when Starsky & Hutch are with Joan Meredith?

          Have you read Mitochondriart’s blog? She writes fantastic slashy episode reviews and her review of CDYD is really interesting. She theorizes that being left-handed was subtext for being queer, which is totally awesome. Here’s the link:

          And I’ve written my own blog post about “what happened last night” here:

          • I would love to join the group and have in-depth discussions about the show–but I wonder if they would accept me if I’m not 100% into slash? I certainly believe S&H are committed, romantic partners, but as an asexual person I prefer not to write/read about sex stuff. I see their relationship as like an exclusive romantic friendship or something…but definitely a romantic relationship. I love all the romance. 🙂

            Excuse me while I rant at the producers/Blinn/even PMG and DS themselves: How is throwing someone’s food into the trash can something to laugh at?

            Okay, I’m done. 🙂 I guess I just like to find meaning in everything, and if something is meaningless I wonder, why have it in the story at all? But maybe that’s just me overthinking.

            The S4 episode moment is very brief–they’re leaving a room where a woman is, after I think asking her questions, and as they’re walking out I think S tries to flirt with her and H tells her several times that S doesn’t have any luck, or something like that.

            Yes, I have read Mitochondriart’s blog and I love it. (I actually asked her this same question 🙂 ). Both of your perspectives on “what happened last night” are intriguing and actually make a lot of sense to me–because that scene is really strange otherwise. The way they act toward each other–esp. how Starsky is staring at and winking at Hutch–it’s just bizarre. Unless…

            I guess maybe I’ll have to learn to let some of these “funny” moments go–maybe just write them out of my head. 🙂 I do think some of them are fodder for analysis, though. Hutch is a very complex person. So is Starsky, but he doesn’t hide as much of himself I don’t think.

          • I guess the one issue I have with the “left-handed” thing being code for being gay is that, how does Hutch expect Starsky to connect the dots? Really? Maybe I’m just dumb, but I’m not sure I’d get it. Or, it might take me a long while…I like to think maybe they addressed this more openly later. Or, knowing Hutch, maybe not.

          • OK actually I realized I hadn’t read your entire post on that episode, and WOW I had never thought of Starsky actually laughing at Hutch. I imagined something…mutual? Something intimate. Not laughing, and if that did happen, well, that would explain H’s upset. But, then why is S acting so darn flirty in the morning–without laughing? Hm…

          • msedonoho says:
            “I would love to join the group and have in-depth discussions about the show–but I wonder if they would accept me if I’m not 100% into slash? I certainly believe S&H are committed, romantic partners, but as an asexual person I prefer not to write/read about sex stuff. I see their relationship as like an exclusive romantic friendship or something…but definitely a romantic relationship. I love all the romance.”

            As the administrator of the S/H bRomance group on Facebook, we don’t require anyone to love the romantic or sexual relationship between Starsky and Hutch in any particular way. We do allow slash-friendly gen fans on the group who want to talk about the subjects that show up in slash spaces and who agree to the group rules.

            We never ask or select our group members based on their sexual orientation (or any other part of their lives or being). We welcome diversity.

            The bRomance group is a sex-positive, slash space for Starsky/Hutch fans.
            All gen discussions are allowed in the dedicated posts, which give a wide variety of subjects to talk with other S/H fans about, even if the topic is not S/H (slash). Gen is defined as anything that doesn’t involve the S/H relationship.

            Anyone who wants to be in the group confirms they are 18+ and interested in a group about the S/H relationship. They agree to being in an adult space, and confirm they know that sexual topics will be discussed. They aren’t required to take part in those discussions nor required to feel a certain way about them.

            All group members agree to be respectful towards each other and the actors, cast and crew and their families. No abrasive behaviour is allowed. If there’s something that’s not for you, just scroll on.

            I hope that’s helpful to those who haven’t been in a slash environment before.

            Nobody feels the same way about the relationship as others do, because in truth, everyone sees it a bit differently and has their own wishes for the relationship and head canons.


    • Like Daisy, although I love both guys, I lean toward loving Hutch more (even though when I first watched the series way back in the original airing, I was totally in love with Starsky). I do think a lot of the verbal stuff was things the actors thought was funny. Whether or not you are a fan of the actors, it’s interesting to note that on set Paul (Starsky) was much more like the Hutch character with his moods while David (Hutch) was a big friendly people-pleaser.

    • Sorry about that, I hit reply before i finished my response!

      At any rate, within the show itself, I see Hutch as not so much mean as just being more vocal when he’s displeased about something. I don’t know exactly what you mean by “mean.” I know that sounds funny when I write it, but are there specific instances that you view was particularly egregious? I could probably find instances where I think Starsky is being quite the jerk too–for instance, I think he’s very dismissive of Hutch in Fatal Charm.

      But to me the most important part and I hope this helps you is think of how Hutch acts when Starsky is injured or in a bind or really needs him. I mean, I would re-watch Shootout over and over (yes it’s my favorite episode) just to see the love Hutch has for Starsky in that. Yes, he is kind of short with him when they first go in (the whole thing about the grandma living over the restaurant bit), but think of how he shows his love for Starsky when it matters. Think of how he doesn’t give damn about what the bad guys say. Think of how he alternates between the yelling one moment at the bad people and one second later, he is gentle and loving and worried (oh so worried) about Starsky.

      Or look at A Coffin for Starsky when he is there every single moment fighting for Starsky. When he says as long as there is even a few minutes, he’ll keep looking and won’t give up until he has the antidote. Or Bloodbath where he is doing anything he can to find Starsky–confronting Simon Marcus, begging the cult members to give up what they know in the storefront. Or look at him in Starsky’s Lady when he is there with him–not able to fix it but doing his damndest to be there for his friend and hurting right along with him. Re-watch the tag of Lady Blue where he cooks Starsky’s favorite meal because of how much he loves him. I know a lot of a guys and believe me, although they might invite a grieving friend over, they aren’t cooking them a fancy meal that takes hours. They’d order pizza and beer.

      I think the way to look at Hutch is by looking at how he treats Starsky when everything is at its lowest. He doesn’t ever make fun of Starsky then. He doesn’t laugh at Starsky’s pain–he absorbs his pain as if it’s his own. He fights for Starsky when Starsky isn’t able to fight for himself. And in Sweet Revenge we see that Hutch is one half of a whole–he isn’t his whole self when Starsky isn’t there.

      I have friends who have never said a nasty word to me but yet if I needed them when things are bad, not a single one of them would come to my side or they’d say, oh things aren’t so bad. But I have other friends with whom I’ve had arguments and we’ve said things that hurt but I know that they would come over in an instant or I can call them anytime day or night. Those are the friends who cry with me and laugh and celebrate with me too.

      Hutch loves Starsky–does he always know what to do with that love? Does he say stupid things that I’m sure he regrets later? Yes, yes, he does. But Starsky knows what really matters is what is in Hutch’s heart–and that is filled with love for him (and that’s something that I can see in canon). Besides which I don’t think Starsky would put up with Hutch’s crap if he knew that Hutch didn’t love him and wasn’t a true friend.

      • Babs, thank you for your thoughtful comments. For examples of what seems to be mean, to me, see my above response to Daisy. You’re right, Hutch does truly love Starsky, and I know that. I guess I just have a hard time understanding why, if you love someone so much, you will so consistently give them a hard time over ridiculous things in such a way that isn’t always funny or enjoyable for both of you. Like, when H brings up being left-handed in CDYD, S doesn’t seem to find it entertaining. He’s confused. And H just keeps needling him about it. It seems odd to me. Or when H throws out S’s hotdog–maybe S wasn’t that hungry, but honestly, I would never dream of doing that to any of my friends.

        You make a good point that real friends are ones who are honest with each other, though. I struggle to form close friendships so I will admit I’m no expert on this topic. I guess Hutch’s teasing seems less like honesty to me, though, and more like a façade. Honesty would be admitting what is really bothering you and talking about it. At least to my mind. 🙂

        Thanks for pointing out all those times H shows such love and compassion for S, though. I needed that. 🙂

        • Someone on the bRomance group (and like Daisy said, it is the best S/H group on Facebook and we love having discussions all the time) proposed that one of the reasons we see Hutch take food from Starsky so much is not so much because of the characters but rather because Paul was a health food person and didn’t want to have to eat the junk type food. David on the other hand evidently ate all the time. Sigh–if only I could eat like that and not gain weight! Anyway, it’s a possible explanation. But personally I like all the theories out there that have a Hutch with a control issue around food. But then again, they share everything. I mean, seriously, these guys have no idea of personal space. They even share cups of water and coffee–and Dobey and Huggy don’t even seem to bat an eye at that behavior. Everyone just seems to accept that in a room, Starsky or Hutch will perch on the arm of whatever chair the other is sitting on and if one has a drink, the other will take it out of his hand and take a sip and hand it back. Because you know, that’s what normal heterosexual guys do with each other–um, wait. No, no
          they do not!

          • My favorite example of them sharing food is when Starsky picks up Hutch’s mostly-eaten apple in Vendetta (when they’re sitting in the squad room with Dobey) and eats it. ❤️❤️

          • That’s very interesting, that David might have been taking the food more as himself than as Hutch. Is there any evidence that’s true? I’m intrigued.

            I have to admit I’m rather put off by Hutch having control issues–just because I put myself in Starsky’s shoes–but, it seems to me the only logical way to read his behavior. Or maybe it’s another “funny” thing I should just forget about. 🙂

            They truly do have no personal space. It’s wonderful. I love when Hutch sits on the arm of the chair Starsky’s sitting in, or vice versa. They’re so comfortable with each other.

    • There are members on the bRomance group who aren’t hardcore slashers. The main thing is are you okay with seeing posts that are slashy? There are lots of slashy posts, but we also have really great, in-depth gen discussions as well.

      I think in CDYD, if the left-handed thing really was intended to be coded as queer by the producers, that it was for the benefit of the viewers, not for Starsky. Queer viewers would pick up on the subtext. Straight viewers would just be confused.

      Was the S4 ep Strange Justice? The one where the daughter of the police lieutenant is raped, and Starsky flirts with the meter maid who gives Hutch a ticket?

      • I’ve certainly frequented slash forums/posts in the past, and I’m quite used to scrolling past something that doesn’t interest me. 🙂 Really, if this is the group that has the most in-depth discussions on all aspects of S and H’s relationship–whatever that relationship is–then I would love to join.

        I agree that most people wouldn’t catch on to that queer coding if the producers put it there purposely (I certainly didn’t catch on…:) ).

        I don’t believe it was Strange Justice unfortunately. I really don’t remember. All I do know is that they were interviewing a woman in her room or something, in a building, like a hotel or boarding house, and Hutch says what he says as he and Starsky are walking out of the room. I don’t think I’m making it up! Anyway this might be a good reason for me to rewatch the series again. 🙂

  5. Oh wow. You covered so many of them. I love all those Shootout scenes, although I’m pretty sure you already knew that. Oh Hutch holding Starsky on the steps in A Coffin for Starsky is pretty poignant and the hair ruffle in Manchild on the Streets. And I can’t remember the name of the episode (maybe it’s The Bait?) where Hutch and a woman are being held hostage and Starsky is there to rescue them–there’s a plane or helicopter waiting? And the quiet understanding between them is lovely. Oh oh oh–another one–Murder Ward, when Starsky holds a drugged Hutch and pats him on the shoulder and gives him that half hug. Everything’s gonna be alright, Hutch. Starsky’s here. Sigh 🙂

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