A brand-new Starsky & Hutch fiction archive

“Hey Hutch, c’mere and look at this website that Huggy told me about!”
“This isn’t gonna be something about vampires or geeks, is it?”
“No, nothin’ like that. Although there might be stories about those things, now that you mention it. There’s a new Starsky & Hutch fiction archive and it looks great. According to Huggy, the word on the street is that Flamingo, Amber Raine, and Lisa A spent three years developing it. Isn’t that terrific?”
“It sure is, buddy. That sounds like a lot of dedication.”
“I know all our fans are grateful for their hard work. They not only had to design the entire site, they also had to move all the content over from the old archive.”
“It’s an impressive feat, to be sure.”
“I’ll bet ya didn’t know that the original archive was created in 1996.”
“That long ago? No, I didn’t know that. But Starsk, how do you know that?”
“How do you think? I learned it from Huggy.”
“Ah, that makes sense. So what will happen to the old archive?”
“Huggy says it’ll remain online for the time being, as there are a lot of other sites that link to it, but writers are encouraged to upload their stories to the new site. The old archive is http://starskyhutcharchive.net/ and the new one is https://www.starskyandhutcharchive.net/. See the difference? The new one has an “and” in between our names.”
“What if people have questions about the new site? Is there someone they can contact?”
“They can email the big man himself, Cap’n Dobey. He’ll make sure to give the message to the site administrators.”
“Ah, good ol’ Cap’n. That’s nice of him to help out. Now you’ve got me really interested in learning more about the history of the archive, Starsk.”
“Well, you’re in luck, because Fanlore has a whole page about the Starsky & Hutch archive in all its iterations.”
“Yeah. It means–“
“I know what it means, dummy. I just didn’t think you knew big words like that.”
“I’ll have you know, Blondie, that I know lots of big words. I’ve been readin’ those Reader’s Digests you keep in the john.”
“You got any other big words you’ve learned lately?”
“Yeah. Lerricompoop.”
“Oh come on, Starsk, you made that up!”
“No, I didn’t. It’s a real word. You wanna know what it means?”
“Yeah. Lay it on me.”
“Come closer, lover, and that’s exactly what I’ll do.”
Note: lerricompoop is archaic slang meaning “To have sex.” circa 1694
That was really cute! ๐ Thanks
Thank you for letting us know! I can’t get the link to work though ๐ฉ
The link to the new archive doesn’t work for you?
Fanfic about fanfic! I love this. I’m still grinning after reading it. And lerricompoop is a cool word.
Oh, and of course – lerricompoop! ๐
Thanks, Daisy! That was a very informative email. Boy, that Huggy knows everything and more! I’m glad he gave a shoutout to the folks responsible for the new site and all the work that goes along with it.