๐Ÿ’14 most romantic Starsky & Hutch fan videos๐Ÿ’

What is romance? It’s when two people fall in love and engage in a love affair. In film and fiction, it’s a genre in which two characters fall in love. It can also be a novel or other prose narrative depicting heroic deeds. Look up the definition in any dictionary and you’ll see a lot of meanings.

Look at Starsky & Hutch and you’ll see most of those definitions embodied in the relationship between the two characters. This is true whether you believe the characters have a sexual relationship or not, because sex is not necessary for romance to exist. Just love.

As David and Paul have repeatedly said, Starsky & Hutch is a love story between two men who happen to be cops.

And as in a romantic novel, Starsky & Hutch also happen to be heroes, always fighting for justice for victims of crime as well as victims of an unfair and unjust society.

This is a show that depicts an epic romance from beginning to end, spanning four years in the lives of two men who love each other, who would do anything for the other, including sacrificing their career, their future, and their lives. And it culminates in the greatest act of love imaginable as Starsky fights off Death to return to Hutch in Sweet Revenge.

Romance is love. And love is Starsky & Hutch.

Romance is…holding each other in a playful embrace; enjoying each other’s company; sharing a candlelit dinner; teasing each other and flirting; singing love songs to each other; having an entire conversation with just your eyes; laughing together; being there for each other in times of adversity; refusing to give up or say goodbye; sacrificing everything to save the other; holding your partner in your arms; never wanting to let go.

So what does romance look like? It looks like this:

Putting together this list was not an easy task, because pretty much every love song ever written fits our boys to a T, and many have been used in vids. So how to decide on a list of the most romantic vids when there so many — literally hundreds — to choose from?

I watched a lot of vids (it was a hardship for sure, but somehow I managed ๐Ÿ˜), including some I’d never seen before, and I chose ones that have ALL THE FEELS.

I also included a snippet of each song’s lyrics below each vid, to give you a taste of what each one is about.

Thanks to all of the vidders who’ve spent countless hours of their time creating these wonderful videos for all of us to enjoy. ๐Ÿฅ‚

1. Ocean by taass64, song by Martin Garrix feat. Khalid

Every time the world threatened to separate Starsky & Hutch forever, their undying love gave them the strength they needed to swim back to each other, no matter how deep nor expansive the divide.

You could put an ocean between our love, love, love
It won’t keep us apart
You could build a wall, I would run it up, up, up (run it up)
Just to get to your heart
If we’re caught in a wave (in a wave)
Baby, we’ll make a way
You could put an ocean between our love, love, love
It won’t keep us apart

2. Bonfire Hearts by Morgan Ballard, song by James Blunt

The love between Starsky & Hutch is so palpable in this vid that it makes me want to cry. And just look at these lyrics:

Days like these lead to
Nights like this lead to
Love like ours
You light the spark in my bonfire heart

People like us we don’t
Need that much just someone that starts
Starts the spark in our bonfire hearts

3. Magnolia Street by Laura McEwan, song by Catie Curtis

I mean, any Starsky & Hutch vid that contains the lyric “I knew that I loved you the first time you got into my car,” you just know the vid is gonna be romantic as f#ck. Thanks to my friend Babs for introducing me to this vid.

I knew that I loved you the first time you got into my car
Your cheeks were flushed and I felt a hush come over me in the dark
I got us lost but at the next cross you said I don’t care where we are
I’m in the right car

And I recall in my sleep how you changed my life on Magnolia Street
A dream, but it’s true I am not the same since I met you
And I feel like I’m going home
But not to the one I’ve known

4. I Could Die for You by luvzebra3, song by Red Hot Chili Peppers

The title is not hyperbole — Starsky & Hutch really would die for each other, as we saw time and time again.

And here’s a bit of non-romantic trivia — in the scene from Murder Ward where Starsky carries Hutch up the stairs after fighting off homicidal mental patient Charlie Deek, the character is played by actor Blackie Dammett, dad of Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman and lead singer Anthony Kiedis, who was 15 years old at the time the ep was filmed.

Come again and tell me where you want to go
What it means to me to be with you alone
Close the door and no one has to know
How we are

I could die for you, what you wanna do?
Oh, this life I choose

5. I Won’t Let You Go by lomelinde, song by Snow Patrol

Hutch remembers his partner while Starsky lies dying in a coma in Sweet Revenge. This vid really showcases the meaning of “Me and Thee”: the love, the trust, the romance, the joy and the pain. And always, they’re together. Hutch’s wall lean from Shootout, accompanied by the lyrics “You’re not as strong as I am,” kills me every damn time. You can tell how much I love this video by how many comments I posted on YouTube.

There’s something happening here
There’s something here that I just can’t explain

I know I’m where I belong
Deep down inside I’ve known all along

I won’t let you go (this is what you really want)
So don’t leave go of me (this is what you asked for)

I wanted something more (this is what you really want)
I wanted this right here (this is what you asked for)

6. If I Were Gay by cynatnite, song by Stephen Lynch

This vid is one of many that you can download from kassidyrae’s site. You might think this is an unusual choice to include here, as the song isn’t what most people would think of as traditionally romantic. But while the vid is done in a fun, tongue-in-cheek way to go along with the uptempo, live version of the song by comedian Stephen Lynch, to me the song is extremely wistful and poignant, and there is one line in particular that I keep playing in my head because I love it so much:

“If I were gay, I would give you my heart.”

Although let’s be honest, whether or not Starsky & Hutch are gay (or bi, or queer), they’ve already given each other their hearts.

In fact, I love that line so much that it inspired me to write a Valentine’s Day S/H story called All That I Am, I Give To You, a story which is romantic but definitely NOT happy or fun.

Here we are dear old friend
You and I drunk again
Laughs have been had and tears have been shed
Maybe the whiskey’s gone to my head

But if I were gay
I would give you my heart
And if I were gay
You’d be my work of art

7. Finding You by autumnburn, song by Ke$ha

This amazing constructed reality vid combines clips from Starsky & Hutch with pre- and post-S&H shows/movies that David and Paul starred in (and that brilliantly mirror the S&H scenes) to construct a narrative where, no matter what lifetime they find themselves in, Starsky & Hutch will always find their way back to each other. I get chills every time I watch it.

I’m gonna search for your love
Right through Hell and Heaven
Millions of years yet to come
And in all dimensions
I know that you’ll always be
My happy ending
My happy ending

I know forever don’t exist
But after this life, I’ll find you in the next
So when I say “forever, ” it’s the goddamn truth
I’ll keep finding, finding you

8. I Hope You Dance by kat-byrd, song by Lee Ann Womack

I included this song in my previous blog post, “Ten S&H fanvids you need to watch right now,” but I’m including it here as well, because it’s just so damn romantic. Highlighted by Mortmere’s exquisite artwork (some of it is NSFW), this video is a beautiful, visual love story.

Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

Dance… I hope you dance.
I hope you dance… I hope you dance.
I hope you dance… I hope you dance.
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their years
And wonder where those years have gone.)

9. If We Were Vampires by autumnburn, song by Jason Isbell

After the first time I watched this vid two years ago, I couldn’t watch it again for a long time because it made me too sad. The lyric “Maybe we’ll get forty years together, but one day I’ll be gone, or one day you’ll be gone” hit too close to home, being that at the time, Starsky & Hutch had ended 41 years earlier, and I can’t bear the thought of either of them being gone. I can watch it now, but I still cry. And a bonus: two poignant fics which show what S&H being together for 40 years might inevitably look like: Time It Was by Dargelos and Where Did the Time Go by TorinoDreams.

If we were vampires and death was a joke
We’d go out on the sidewalk and smoke
And laugh at all the lovers and their plans
I wouldn’t feel the need to hold your hand

Maybe time running out is a gift
I’ll work hard ’til the end of my shift
And give you every second I can find
And hope it isn’t me who’s left behind

It’s knowing that this can’t go on forever
Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone
Maybe we’ll get forty years together
But one day I’ll be gone
Or one day you’ll be gone

10. Real Love by Sgoodfriend’sH, song by Tom Odell

This Christmas-themed video, which I included in my S&H Christmas vids blog post, uses a Tom Odell cover of the John Lennon song from Odell’s Christmas album. The Beatles also recorded a version of this song 15 years after Lennon’s death. Odell’s version has the slowest tempo of the three, and yet it’s also the most rousing, and his unwavering falsetto, accompanied by a stirring violin crescendo, is so beautiful it could make angels cry. “It’s real love.” What else is needed to describe Starsky & Hutch?

All my little plans and schemes
Lost like some forgotten dream
Seems like all I really was doing
Was waiting for you

Don’t need to be alone
Don’t need to be alone

It’s real love
It’s real
It’s real love
It’s real love

11. Let it Be Me by Amber Raine, song by Ray LaMontagne

The lyric “If it’s a friend you need” might seem more platonic than sexual, but that doesn’t matter. Whether they’re lovers or not, Starsky & Hutch are, and always will be, best friends who would do anything for each other. And that’s romantic for sure.

When all your faith is gone
It feels like you can’t go on
Let it be me
Let it be me
If it’s a friend you need
Let it be me

12. Gone gone gone by Reycamelotiense, song by Phillip Phillips

This vid opens with the iconic line, “So who do we trust? Like always, me and thee,” and then shows us just what that means as the guys travel to hell and back to save each other. And omg “Like a drum, baby, don’t stop beating,” playing over the scenes from Sweet Revenge when Starsky’s heart stops beating (and then starts up again), together with that last line, “I’ll love you long after you’re gone, gone, gone.” I can’t even. It kills me every time. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

You’re the pulse that I’ve always needed
Like a drum, baby, don’t stop beating
Like a drum, my heart never stops beating

For you, for you
Baby, I’m not moving on
I’ll love you long after you’re gone
For you, for you
You will never sleep alone
I’ll love you long after you’re gone, gone, gone

13. Me and Thee (Kindly Calm Me Down) by Orasha, song by Meghan Trainor

Filled to the brim with tons of hurt/comfort scenes, this vid beautifully illustrates how Starsky & Hutch are truly each other’s world and are the only ones who can bring quiet and comfort to each other in times of duress.

I’d take it, I would take it
Like a pill, your love, I take it
I take it, I take it
Like a pill, your love, I take it

When my world gets loud, could you make it quiet down?
When my head, it pounds, could you turn down all the sound?
If I lay in pain, by my side would you stay?
If I need you now, would you kindly calm me down?
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, would you kindly calm me down?
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, would you kindly calm me down?

14. Breathe Me “Kiss of Life” by TheSH911, song by Sia

This vid, composed entirely of scenes from Survival, contains gorgeous animation by Moni K. showing Starsky kissing Hutch after he finds him trapped under his car at the end of the episode. Because we all know that’s what happened after the cameras turned off.

Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before

Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there’s no-one else to blame

Be my friend, hold me
Wrap me up, enfold me
I am small and needy
Warm me up and breathe me

Okay, that was 14 (in honor of Valentine’s Day) vids. But of course I can’t stop there, because there are more. SO. MANY. MORE. So here are some bonus vids:

Bigger than Us by Amber Raine, song by Michael Rice

The love that Starsky & Hutch have for each other is bigger than the universe itself and as infinitely boundless. This vid is over 5 minutes long and uses approximately 175 clips (yes, I counted them) from almost every S1-S3 ep. Make sure to watch it all the way to the final scene at the end, after the music stops.

Hear these words that I sing to you
I will make it clear, it’s me and you
We can have this love that we’ll never lose
It’s bigger than us

Take my hand and I’ll lead you home
Can you understand?
You will never be alone

It’s bigger than us
It’s bigger than you and me
It’s bigger than us
It’s bigger than everything we see

‘Cause I can feel the universe
When I’m feeling you breathe
It’s bigger than us
And it’s bigger than you and me
It’s bigger

I’ll Follow You Down by Zebra3Girl, song by Shinedown

No matter what happens, Starsky & Hutch will do whatever it takes to be there for each other, every damn time.

I’ll follow you down to the eye of the storm
Don’t worry I’ll keep you warm
I’ll follow you down
While we are passing through space
I don’t care if we fall from grace
I’ll follow you

Us Against the World by Mybuddy1975 Productions, song by Westlife

This video is the encapsulation of what “Me and Thee” is all about and really shows the love, devotion, and intensity of Starsky & Hutch’s relationship.

‘Cause it’s us against the world
You and me against them all

If you’re listening to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don’t ever see the day
That I won’t catch you when you fall

For Crying Out Loud by Laura McEwan, song by Meatloaf (R.I.P.)

The lyrics of this beautiful song contain “California“, “babe,” “faded Levis bursting apart” (you know, because of Starsky’s crotch bulge, and yes, the vid uses clips from the iconic porch walk scene), and “You know I love you” (which Hutch says to Starsky twice-in Survival and Blindfold) and…and…I can’t even think of what else to write because I am stunned speechless. I did somehow manage to write a comment on YouTube, so you can read that.

And now the chilly California wind
Is blowing down our bodies again
And we’re sinking
Deeper and deeper in the chilly California sand
Oh, I know you belong inside my aching heart
And can’t you see my faded Levis bursting apart
And don’t you hear me crying, “Oh, babe, don’t go”?

For crying out loud, you know I love you
For crying out loud, you know I love you
Oh for crying out loud, you know I love you
For crying out loud, you know I love you

Unconditionally by Sgoodfriend’sH, song by Katy Perry

Starsky & Hutch love each other unconditionally. We know this to be true, because we have seen it for ourselves many times.

I’ll take your bad days with your good
Walk through the storm, I would
I do it all because I love you
I love you

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally

Ain’t No Reason by Thandie777, song by Brett Dennen

The world Starsky & Hutch live in is ugly and unforgiving, populated by sinners and evildoers, and ruled by heartache and pain. They are surrounded by prison walls from which they can’t escape, but Starsky & Hutch’s love for each other will set them free.

Love will come, set me free
Love will come, set me free, I do believe
Love will come, set me free, I know it will
Love will come, set me free, yes

All of Me, All of You by luvthatblueeyedSoul, song by John Legend

‘Cause I give you all of me, and you give me all of you.” When it comes to Starsky & Hutch’s love for, and devotion to each other, have any truer words ever been spoken? And John Legend’s falsetto when he sings those lines is heaven on earth.

‘Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
‘Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you

Don’t Give Up on Me by TM Songvids, song by Andy Grammer

Told from Hutch’s POV, this stirring vid showcases some of Hutch’s finest moments as he fights like hell to save Starsky’s life in Shootout, A Coffin for Starsky, and Sweet Revenge.

I will fight
I will fight for you

I always do, until my heart
Is black and blue

And I will stay
I will stay with you
We’ll make it to the other side
Like lovers do

A Love That Will Never Grow Old by Laura McEwan, song by Emmylou Harris

This is the song from Brokeback Mountain, so you just know this vid is gonna be a tearjerker. It starts out with Hutch sitting tentatively by Starsky’s bedside as he lies dying in a coma in Sweet Revenge. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ But fortunately for us, in the show and in this vid, Starsky & Hutch have a happy-ever-after ending, unlike poor Ennis and Jack.

Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time
Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long
Who cares where we go on this rutted old road
In a world that may say that we’re wrong

Cause I know a love that will never grow old
And I know a love that will never grow old

So what do you think? What are your favorite romantic S&H vids?

10 Responses

  1. I gotta put a plug in for ‘That Was a River’ by Beth C. Truly one of the best vids I’ve ever seen.

    But I love your list!

  2. And unfortunately I hit submit before I was done with my comment. So I’ll go on! I love If We Were Vampires, but the line that gets me is the Maybe time running out is a gift, I’ll work hard til the end of my shift because it speaks of the work that goes into a relationship (even if it’s just a platonic friendship). And the I Won’t Let You Go one is one that plays in my head over and over. Honestly though every single one of these vids is a gem and I truly do love all of them. I find myself watching them at different times depending on what I need emotionally.

  3. Oh all of these are so wonderful. Magnolia Street just hits every button for me. I just re-watched it and I’m sitting here crying. It’s such a gentle video and I hadn’t realized until this re-watching how much it is a love story of Starsky falling in love with Hutch. Okay we know they love each other but you know what I’m trying to say!

    • Yeah, I just watched Magnolia Street again (for the millionth time) and I think it might be the most romantic vid of all. And who wouldn’t fall in love with Hutch? I especially love that clip of the guys walking outside at night from the Pilot and S4 Hutch’s smile at 2:08. I just wish I knew which ep that’s from.

      • Oh, I am working my way through the list, and it is just so wonderful. Your selections are beautiful. I am stuck replaying Magnolia Street and I won’t let Go — both so sweet and beautiful. I watch MS with a complete different view now. Oh and the clip — Birds of a Feather about 6 minutes in (bar seen with Luke Huntley). Yes — all the feels and I’m only part way through!

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