Watch the fanvids that premiered at SHareCon 2022

The Starsky & Hutch fandom is blessed to have wonderful vidders who dedicate their time and talent to create these amazing fanvids. We fans can’t thank you enough!
And thanks also to Flamingo for bringing us SHareCon and garrideb for the many hours it took to put this vid show together.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and then you’ll want to watch them all over again.
Without further adieu, here are the SHareCon 2022 premiere vids:
1. “Kiss Me Deadly” by Chocolate Egg
2. “Dance Again” by kat-byrd
Watch the video here.
3. “All I Know” by Elizabeth Lowry/Star Gal Productions
4. “It’s Always Been You” by Amber Raine and Lisa A
Watch the video here.
5. “Kissing With Confidence” by ACL
6. “Should Have Known Better” by kat-byrd
Watch the video here.
7. “Losing My Religion” (reimagined) by Kandy Fong
The video hasn’t been posted online yet, but it’s a modern version of the classic fanvid that Kandy originally created in the 1980s using videotape which was shown at many SHareCons in the past.
Did you know that Kandy is the reason that we have fanvids? She created the first fan videos in 1975, a slideshow of Star Trek images set to music.
You can find out more about Kandy and the history of fanvids at Fanlore and Wikipedia.
8. “A Beginning Song” by garrideb/autumnburn
9. “Deteriorata” by Elizabeth Lowry/Star Gal Productions
10. “Side by Side” by hardboiledbaby
Watch the video here.
11. “Something I Need” by Amber Raine
Watch the video here.