Vid Recs

Check out my S&H playlist on YouTube, where I have over 500 vids and counting! I’m not a vidder (not yet, anyway), I just collect ’em.

Below are some of my favorite Starsky & Hutch fanvids:

๐Ÿ†• A Beginning Song by autumnburn – this vid which premiered at 2022 SHareCon is a stunning, rousing, tear-at-your-heartstrings vid that lovingly showcases the partners’ sorrows and joys and their love for each other.
๐Ÿ†• Life with You by hardboiledbaby – this absolute gem of a vid premiered at the 2022 DC-Slash con. Starsky asks Hutch to live with him. Awww. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
Us Against the World by Mybuddy1975Productions – I just came across this vid and I haven’t stopped crying tears of joy. It’s such a beautiful encapsulation of the love, devotion, intensity, and “me and thee” that is Starsky & Hutch’s relationship.
I Won’t Let You Go by lomelinde – this vid has all the feels. It’s the perfect blend that showcases all the moments of laughter and tears, angst, joy and pain. Oh, and lots of Hutch smiles. I love this vid sooooo much.
Lose Yourself by TM Songvids – only one word is needed to describe TM’s latest vid – INTENSE!
Hey Na Na by autumnburn is my go-to happy vid! In fact, I’m probably listening to it right now! This fun fan video won the “2021 Marian Kelly Best Vid” award at Virtual SHareCon 2021. Grab your dancing shoes for this one!
Still the One by Laura McEwan (raynebow68) – when I’m feeling down or depressed, or have read too many deathfics, this is my go-to vid that never fails to bring a smile to my face.
Out of the Woods by autumnburn. I can’t even describe this video adequately — I love it so much — and every time I watch it, I get tears in my eyes. It’s a great example of how there’s an S&H scene to go with the lyrics of every love song ever written.
Afterimage by hardboiledbaby. This very slashy vid (actually a vidding exercise) will have you smiling like crazy and bawling your eyes out at the same time. Warning: contains major character death.
Nothing Else Matters by TM Songvids. I’m not a fan of season 4 or the mustache, but this vid makes me change my mind whenever I watch it. It really showcases how angsty season 4 is. I showed this vid at the Season 4 panel that I hosted at 2021 Virtual SHareCon, along with another TM vid called Don’t Fear the Reaper.
Finding You by autumnburn. You MUST watch this vid, like right now.
I can’t even write a caption that describes how amazing it is. Just watch it and you’ll see.
Time by Zebra3 Girl. This vid has scenes from every episode in order, each one showcasing S&H’s unique friendship. The stirring theme music by Hans Zimmer adds to the feels.
The infamous, one-and-only S&H blooper reel. Warning-NSFW! Made for the 4th season wrap party and shown only to the cast and crew, it was never intended to be seen by fans. It was supposed to have been destroyed, but some enterprising crew member grabbed it out of the trash, and fortunately, the contents hadn’t been fully erased. Unfortunately, only a little more than 4 minutes survives (out of the original 20 minutes), and it’s very grainy, but we’re soooo blessed to have it. It’s chock full of cursing, kissing, simulated fellatio, and more. See if you can guess which episode each outtake is from.
Rare behind-the-scenes footage of David and Paul shooting the S2 ep “Murder at Sea,” which was shot on a real cruise ship bound for Hawaii. (In the episode, the ship was going to Mexico). The footage was found at the end of a 800′ reel of 8mm film purchased in 2019 at an estate sale. In the episode, the fictional name of the ship is SS Amapola. Trivia: it’s not in the video, but the real name of the ship was SS Monterey, which was a well-known luxury cruise ship at the time.

More videos:

Amber Raine‘s Starsky & Hutch fan videos site has a whole bunch (like more than 60) great vids made by different vidders and are categorized as gen, bromance, or slash. Some of my favorites are Let it Be Me; Bonfire Hearts; True Love, Parts 1 and 2; Bigger Than Us; Next to Me; What Makes You Beautiful; Say Something; A New Day, and Brother Let Me Be Your Shelter.

Morgan Logan (aka Agent Molo) has vids on her site here:

Kat-Byrd has vids on the Internet Archive here:

TM Songvids has vids on both YouTube and Vimeo.

Kassidy’s website has some S&H vids you can download, including the must-see “If I Had a Million Dollars.”

Let me know what you think