February 14, 2023 A trio of tender treats for Valentines Day ๐ Want to indulge in a little Starsky/Hutch romance? Here’s a quick post highlighting a romantic fanvid, story, and artwork. ๐ Categories Fanart/Fanfiction/Fanvids/Valentines Day Comments: 0
December 1, 2022 It’s finally here — the 2022 Starsky & Hutch Advent Calendar! Each day, a new “door” opens to reveal the gifts within. Gifts include stories, poems, fan videos, fan art, puzzles, and more, and all are never-before-seen original works. Categories Advent Calendar Comments: 0
November 6, 2022 A brand-new Starsky & Hutch fiction archive Starsky tells Hutch all about it. Categories Fanfiction Comments: 6
October 28, 2021 Gay Subtext in Lady Blue, Part 2 Musings on what was really going on in the tag of Lady Blue. Categories Random musings/Season 1/Slash Comments: 0
September 6, 2021 Register for Virtual SHareCon! Our Starsky & Hutch slash convention will be held virtually this year from Friday, October 15th-Sunday, October 17th and everyone is welcome to attend! Categories SHareCon Comments: 0
November 24, 2020 Is my story slash? Or not? #NSFW So we often have lively discussions on Facebook about what constitutes a slash story. One of the things we talk about is how does an author decide how their story should be tagged. How do we determine if it’s gen or slash? Is it still slash if it doesn’t contain a sex scene? Categories Fanfiction/NSFW/Random musings/Slash Comments: 5
November 22, 2020 Gen, slash, het, ship – what do they all mean? If you’re new to slash fandom, or fandom in general, you might not know what all the terms mean (I didn’t at first), so here’s a quick primer. Categories Gen/Random musings/Slash Comment: 1