December 1, 2020 I just can’t wrap my head around writing gen Over the past year or so, I’ve had a harder and harder time writing gen stories, because the slash part of my brain makes them feel disingenuous to me. Categories Fanfiction/Gen/Slash Comments: 12
November 24, 2020 Is my story slash? Or not? #NSFW So we often have lively discussions on Facebook about what constitutes a slash story. One of the things we talk about is how does an author decide how their story should be tagged. How do we determine if it’s gen or slash? Is it still slash if it doesn’t contain a sex scene? Categories Fanfiction/NSFW/Random musings/Slash Comments: 5
November 22, 2020 Gen, slash, het, ship – what do they all mean? If you’re new to slash fandom, or fandom in general, you might not know what all the terms mean (I didn’t at first), so here’s a quick primer. Categories Gen/Random musings Comment: 1
November 22, 2020 Were they or weren’t they? Were S&H secretly banging each other during the course of the series? Did they fall in love after the events of Sweet Revenge? Or do you believe that their relationship on the show was platonic and that the only slash going on resides solely in fandom? Categories Random musings/Slash Comments: 2
November 22, 2020 I Sense a Pattern In a lot of scenes, Starsky acts totally nonchalant and plays it cool while Hutch seduces him in plain sight, right under the audience’s (and the censor’s) noses. Categories Random musings/Slash Comments: 2
November 21, 2020 David and Paul: A Tribute While William Blinn created the characters for the Pilot, it was David and Paul who brought them to life and created their enduring friendship, which was based on their own real-life friendship. Categories Gen Comments: 0
November 16, 2020 S4 Ep 78: Cover Girl Okay, so I’m just gonna say it upfront – I can’t stand Kate Larrabee. I was actually rooting for the Angel in this ep. Is that wrong of me? Categories Episode review/Season 4/Slash Comment: 1
November 15, 2020 They told us that cops shouldn’t get married For four years, TPTB subtly (and not so subtly) repeatedly told us that cops shouldn’t get married or have kids. So what does that mean for Starsky & Hutch? Categories Random musings/Slash Comments: 0