💕Two Hearts Beat as One💕

Warning: Contains major character death.
So how’s this for a deathfic idea? I heard “Two Hearts Beat as One” by U2 on the radio the other day, and, since I see everything in my life as Starsky & Hutch-related, I wondered if I could use it in a story. Or maybe a fanvid, if I ever get around to learning how to make vids.
And somehow it got me thinking about what would happen if one of the guys died <sob!> and the other one needed a heart transplant, and…
So what if Hutch was also shot in Sweet Revenge, and needs a heart transplant because his heart is irreparably damaged by the bullets, and Starsky doesn’t survive after he flatlined, but his heart is undamaged, and the doctors save Hutch’s life by giving him Starsky’s heart, and Hutch wakes up to find that not only has Starsky been killed, but Hutch has been given his heart.
The story takes place months or years after Sweet Revenge, when Hutch has been diagnosed with heart disease or some kind of congenital heart defect and he needs a heart transplant or he’ll die. So he’s on the recipient list, but his days are numbered and his chances of surviving aren’t looking too good. Starsky is by his side every day, and is despondent at the thought of losing his partner.
Maybe Hutch goes into cardiac arrest and is in a coma or something, and the doctors have 48 hours to find a donor heart before it’s too late. And then unexpectedly, Starsky is killed (gunshot? car accident? poisoning?) and Hutch is given Starsky’s heart, and he’s told about it when he wakes up.
Or wait — what if something happens to Starsky and his life is in danger, and he chooses to sacrifice himself in order to save Hutch’s life, knowing that his heart will be donated to Hutch (I know that defies medical logic, but so do all my other ideas, so just ignore that for now).
Anyway, it’s not really “two hearts beat as one” anymore, I guess, since there is now only one heart remaining, but whatever.
So what next? Should it be a supernatural ghost story where Hutch can hear Starsky’s thoughts in his mind? Does he take on Starsky’s personality, like suddenly liking five-alarm chili and reading the Guinness Book of World Records? And Hutch sees Starsky’s face instead of his own every time he looks in the mirror?
Or should it be a poignant, bittersweet love story where Hutch doesn’t want to live without Starsky, but he can’t bear to take his own life since Starsky is inside him and it’s the only thing he has left of his partner, and eventually that allows Hutch to go on? And oh boy, now I’m hearing Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” from Titanic in my head right now.
Anyway, I’ll probably never write it, unless I can come up with a good angle. But I adore deathfics (apparently I’m a masochist) and it’s an interesting idea.
Starsky gives Hutch his heart — literally. <Sniff> Excuse me while I go cry into my pillow now. 😢 😭
Oh dear, that mirror thing: I want to see that in a fic! Doesn’t have to be this heart transplant idea (which is great, though – I like the first SR idea best), but any deathfic where the mirror thing starts happening. On and off, or all the time? Will Hutch be able to communicate with the mirror Starsky eventually? Is it just a hallucination? Or what?
You are a masochist, but you share with the rest of us and we love you for it.
Can’t wait to read whichever one (or two) you choose to write!