I’ve come across several S&H Christmas fanvids on YouTube this week, so I thought I’d share them all here in a post.
I found a wide variety of vids, including several music fanvids (happy/festive and sad/angsty), a constructed reality vid, two retellings of “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore, and two rather weird animated non-music vids.
Oh, and the most hilarious take on “The 12 Days of Christmas” I’ve ever seen.
I hope you enjoy them, and to all the readers of this blog, thank you and have a Merry Christmas and a happy and hopeful new year.
“Christmas Eve” by Amber Raine
“Shake up Christmas” by Sgoodfriend’sH
“12 Pains of Christmas” by Ugerchucker
“A Holly Jolly Christmas” by luvthatblueeyedSoul
“Real Love” by Sgoodfriend’sH
“Grownup Christmas List” by Laura McEwan (raynebow68)
“The Night Before Christmas” by The Moon and Stars
“Twas the Night Before Christmas” by luvthatblueeyedSoul
“Where are you Christmas” by luvthatblueeyedSoul
“A Christmas Wish” by luvthatblueeyedSoul
“Santa Drank the Moonshine” by Mary Van Deusen FanVids
“So This is Christmas” by EliVR
“Christmas Wishes – an original minisode” constructed reality video by elfmaiden-videos
“Storytime: My Starsky & Hutch Action Figure Christmas Story” by Long Lost Friend Studio
“Video Schmoes: Starsky & Hutch – A very Starsky Christmas” by the Video Schmoes
Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much!
I know what I’m going to be doing the next few days! I love the action figure story–and the last minutes of it had me laughing til I cried.